Episode Ten of Madonna Worship The Podcast is available now!
Available wherever you listen…Stevie and Chauncey welcome the new year with their tenth episode of Madonna Worship The Podcast. This episode, the guys reminisce about what it was like to experience Confessions on a Dance Floor for the first time and how different it was to consume music twenty years ago. They pontificate what her next album, curiously dubbed “Confessions Part 2” by The Queen herself, will sound like and what themes she’s going to explore.

Stevie and Chauncey also do a recap of the last Madonna Worship Night of the year at Redeye in December, talk a little about the next party in March where we’ll be recreating the infamous Madonna Pajama Party 30 years ago in 1995 at a soon to be announced location, and chit chat about the recently released UK documentary “Becoming Madonna”. Once again, we thank you for listening to our little Ciccone drenched conversations as we gear up to our one year anniversary soon! Please subscribe to the podcast and follow @madonnaworship @stevievox and @djchaunceyd on Instagram to keep up with everything going on in the ever expanding Madonna Worship Universe!This episode features both the demo and released b-side version of “History (Land of the Free)” and “Fighting Spirit” from The COADF era twenty years ago in anticipation of her next album with Stuart Price!We’re also available on Apple Podcasts and anywhere else you stream your podcast pleasures!